The City of Calgary is proud to have 17% of the designated park space as off-leash space. With 150 off-leash dog areas in and around the City there’s sure to be one close to home. Dog parks are full of people who share their love for their best fur friends, where you can meet people from your area and join in different dog groups to give Fido (and you) an opportunity to make new friends.  

Off-Leash Dog Etiquette 101

 Many of Calgary’s off-leash areas are shared spaces with natural environments which can lend themselves to having the occasional non-trained wildlife, so it’s important to remember to that all dog owners share the responsibility of protecting our family, both the two and four legged variety.

Dog park etiquette

  • It is illegal for dogs to chase,…

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Ready to Buy? Don’t Miss These 10 Crucial HOA Fee Insights!

If you’re considering buying a home in one of Calgary’s popular new or master-planned communities like Auburn Bay, Mahogany, Belmont, Rangeview, Cranston, or Tuscany, understanding Homeowners Association (HOA) fees is crucial. These fees help maintain community amenities like lakes, spray parks, tennis courts, and outdoor skating rinks, ensuring the neighbourhood stays beautiful and functional.

HOA fees vary from community to community and can significantly affect both your monthly budget and the long-term value of your property. Being informed about what HOA fees cover and how they’re structured can help you make confident decisions and avoid costly surprises as a buyer.

This guide…

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The countdown is on! You’ve purchased your next home and maybe even sold the current place you are in today, but the big move is still a work in progress. There are a couple essential notes to take to make your moving day as stress free and streamlined as possible.

1. Hiring a moving company or doing it yourself?

Do you call in all your favours and get your friends to help you move or spend the money and hire a moving company? A couple factors will probably play into your decision such as the time of year. Let’s face it, Calgary’s weather is a bit temperamental and if you’re moving the second week of January you might find out who your friends really are. You might need to sweeten the deal with eggnog lattes and take-out to swing the pendulum in…

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